TCInternational SuperStore --- "You gave me life; now show me how to live." - "When you know what you want but don't know how to get it, you are standing at the bottom of the ladder. Reach up. Start climbing. What you want takes one step at a time. What you need is persistence. What you'll get is experience. What you'll see are more opportunities and more ladders. Keep climbing but take time to enjoy the view. Not everyone gets to the top. Only those who can see the ladders and proceed to climb... " The willingness to take action, and seize an opportunity when it presents itself. For over 18 years, we’ve been building the #1 affiliate program on the Internet. We’re #1 because SFI works…and because we provide you with such a powerful and comprehensive marketing system [JULY315]

Friday, 31 July 2015

Here’s Where Your Next Great Business Idea Will Come From

“Why didn’t I think of that?”
Do you occasionally kick yourself when you see a product or service take off in the marketplace and you realize that you could have thought of it yourself? The sad fact is that you probably just aren’t in the habit of creating new business ideas, and that’s what needs to change if you want to be the driving force behind the next big thing.
Let me prime the pump and lead you to some “starting lines” that will help exercise your mind in the discipline of idea creation and share a tip or two that will help make the process become far easier over time.
First a tip: Capture every idea in real time. When something pops into your head – no matter how far fetched it may seem – get it immediately carved into digital stone. I suggest using Evernote. Establishing this habit alone will transform you into a person who is loaded with ideas.
With that foundational tip out of the way, here are some specifics to lubricate your gray cells:
Do more than find a solution to a problem. We always hear the advice that you just need to find a problem and solve it. The “problem” with that advice is that we become so accustomed to living with our problems, we cease to recognize them.
Start looking at the little hassles you cope with every day, and that probably means you need to look at almost everything you do. Have you created any little routines that help you get something accomplished, and could there possibly be a product or service that would allow you to cut that routine out of your day?
Question everything you do and try to roll your mind back to when you first did it. After you do this for a while, you’ll begin to recognize where improvements could be made. Solving problems doesn’t have to be moving mountains; it can be more like smoothing out a bumpy road.
Convert a service into a product. This is creating a “productized service.” If there is something you do, standardize it, put a price tag on it, and promote it online. Consultants can take one aspect of the services they provide and create marketing materials around it. Once it is “productized” it becomes easier for people to relate to and, hopefully, buy. The next idea is sometimes related to this concept.
Create a “concierge” minimum viable product. If you have an idea for an app that performs a service for its users, before you build the app, do the work manually. This allows you to quickly bring new MVPs to market and gauge how much demand there is for them, as well as what people might pay. For example, say you developed some cool ways to use some CRM software that aren’t easily accomplished using the software itself. Before building an app to do it, do it manually for your first customers and see how they like it. If it looks promising, then proceed with the actual product development.
Troll Craigslist. You can find virtually anything on Craigslist, and there’s a “business” category within the “For Sale” items. If you’re thinking about expansion, either vertically or horizontally, you might find a local business for sale that could dovetail with your plans. You’ll also discover a lot of gear to outfit a business. For example, when I recently scrolled through, I found a lot of stuff that would be fantastic if I wanted to start a mobile business.
Review reviews. As you’re trying to resensitize yourself to the problems you face every day, reading about the problems other people are having may prove helpful. You can often find these in Amazon product reviews, or product reviews in any “honest” online location. A friend of mine was recently looking for running shorts online. As he scrolled through each offering, he read the reviews and discovered that runners had all kinds of specific problems with various running shorts designs. People are eager to share the gripes they have with products. These can serve as bread crumbs that lead you to a better design.
With these ideas, you can begin to cast a wider mental net to capture business ideas. But please, remember my first tip: organize them all in one place where you can find them when it’s time to act.

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Let Me Help You Start These Top Business Models That Could Help You Start Profiting Within A Short Period Of Time.

Hi, I have been working on very big projects, but today I came back to show you something mind boggling, read on sweetheart.

Over my hard years of experience as an internet marketer, I have come to the understanding that there are certain business models that will never die, these business models will remain evergreen, and they will continue making the people who know the ropes residual incomes.

Let me introduce you to these evergreen business models, you might even know their possibilities, here they come:

=Affiliate Marketing=

This business models remains one of my best pick when it comes to internet marketing, you do not much of a learning curve to succeed with this business, all you need to know is how to choose the right products to promote and send traffic to the products, then you should be rest assured of nice commissions.


You should have known by now that blogging has become one of the only way you can be guaranteed of making any money online, the web now revolves round quality contents, if you can blog professionally, then you are into profits. I will recommended good products below to guide on how to make big profits blogging.

=Traffic Generation=

It is very true that traffic is the lifeblood of any online business, without it your business is as good as dead in the waters, for you to succeed any online business you need to know how drive traffic and lots of it. One good thing you should know is that your SFI business can take a new turn if you learn how to drive quality traffic to your SFI gateways, you would be having more sign ups just like the top earners.

You have seen the above, but the question how can you learn these things within a short period and starting results, don’t worry, I have good news for you today, I have put together at least 3 high quality products each that will help you succeed faster with these various business models, you can place your orders for any of the products for the business model of your choice and I will blow your mind with awesome products and unrevealed bonuses, here comes the products listed by business model.

=Affiliate Marketing Courses=

(1)Affiliate Marketing MasterPlan


(2)Secrets Of Affiliate Marketing


(3)Super Affiliate Marketing Methods Exposed


=Blogging Courses=

(1)Blogging Profits Unleashed


(2)Blogging For Big Bucks


(3)Blogging Profits Formula


=Traffic Generation Courses=

(1)Unlimited Social Traffic


(2)Free Traffic Marketing


(3)Traffic Mastermind


See, all these products actually guided me to where I am today, you have nothing to be afraid about, but rather everything to gain, you will be glad you did.

So, you can place order for any of the products and be rest assured that what you will get will shock you to your bones, I will spoil you with bonuses and you will be wondering if I am mad (I may be mad, you will see in a moment), if you are like me who loves to go the aggressive way and decide to get all the products or most of them, you should have it at the back of your mind that you will receive a bigger surprise package from me.

Zenith Digitals

Monday, 6 July 2015

How do I reassure prospective TripleClicks customers that shopping is safe and secure and they will receive delivery of product?

Reassuring prospective TripleClicks (TC) customers means 
you have to tell them something positive to dispel any doubts 
regarding safe and secure shopping. Shopping TC products 
is safe and secure in these ways: 
1. Several payment options available such Paypal, 

Payoneer MasterCard, major credit cards, debit cards, 
checks and LocalPay are safe, and thousands of 
people are using them. 

2. SFI, TC and those payment options sites have site

 security confirmed. 
They receive SSL certificate from GeoTrust and 
True Site trust mark. 
The presence of SSL means a person is guaranteed that 
communications and any data between a person 
and the site’s web servers are private and secure when t
he SSL session is activated. 

3. The products are shipped to customers from ECAs. 

A delivery of products is highly promised but the prospective 
customers should be advised that there are uncontrolled
 factors, such as a loss or product damage while in a 
delivery route or poor delivery handling. Still the customers
 can get a refund because there is a return and refund policy. 
For a specific return and refund policy's detail, tell your 
prospective TC customers to go to the link on each 
product’s detail page. 

4. TC is a subsidiary of SFI, which has been operating for

 more than 17 years. That is a sign of stability 
and dynamic development. 

5. They must know that an ECA has been approved first 

by the TC company. 
The ECA has been asked to provide proof of a valid 
identity card
 and a license or a local business registration cert. 

6. The ECA which has sold the products are also 

being rated by 
the affiliates who bought the products. So, those
 ratings provide
 a guidance to future customers. 

7. The prospective TC customers also can take a look 

at review sections 
of any products in TC if the product has been
 purchased before. 
These reviews are true, honest, and any suggestions 
by the affiliates can be taken as good advice.

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Training Library

Internet Income 2.0
Lesson #1—The Continuing Potential Of Internet Income

In this lesson, you will learn the three factors which assure us of continued exponential Internet growth. These three factors are:
  1. Moore's Law
  2. Acceptance of digital environments
  3. Convergence
You will learn what these terms mean and how these principles prove that Internet marketing will have exponential growth and exponential results for decades to come. You will learn how to best position yourself as a home-based entrepreneur to take advantage of the digital opportunities that lie ahead.
Moore's Law describes the falling cost of digital technology. When my daughter was born in 1980, the price of the memory chip for a home PC was $1,000.00 (not the whole PC, mind you, just the memory). When my daughter was one year old, the same amount of memory cost only $500.00. When she was three years old, the price was $250.00. When she started the first grade, the same amount of memory cost only $62.50. When she graduated from high school in 1998, the price of that same amount of memory had fallen to less that $0.25. When she began her junior year in college, the cost for the same amount of memory as in that original PC was just pennies. I assure you that nothing else we have purchased over her lifetime has decreased in cost anything like that!
We, of course, upgraded the amount of memory we used over the years. Each time we upgraded, we spent about the same amount of money but got more and more computing power. So, what really happened was that our computing power increased by four times every three years for the same cost.
Gordon Moore, one of the co-founders of Intel Corporation, made mathematical observations in the 1960's of the engineering practices which allowed miniaturization in semiconductor technology. This miniaturization applies to processors and other computer components as well as memory chips. What he observed mathematically is that computers can be made four times more powerful every three years for the same cost. Some argue that this same formula has held true for a full century, if you include the mechanical computers of the early 1900's and the old-fashioned transistors that followed.
If you knew that you could get four times more raw materials every three years with no increase in cost in a given business, would you want to get into that business? The overwhelming answer everywhere is, of course, a resounding "yes!"
All businesses, even traditional brick and mortar businesses, must market their goods and services. Because businesses look for the lowest cost to perform their processes, more and more marketing information and marketing processes, even for brick-and-mortar businesses, has become digital.
Moore's Law ensures that Internet businesses, especially Internet marketing, will continue to grow and flourish at an astounding rate. Will Moore's Law continue to hold true in the future? Can engineers keep making computer chips cheaper? Intel's engineers assure us that Moore's Law will continue to operate for several more device generations, if not indefinitely.
The next factor that ensures continued growth for Internet businesses is the acceptance by consumers of digital environments. People have taken to Cyberspace. Despite the many predictions to the contrary, people have warmed up to digital environments with enthusiasm. Many Web communities have been formed and their participants report feeling all warm and cozy in those digital environments. Participants have developed a strong sense of identity with the digital communities such as Twitter, Facebook, and others. As Moore's Law has continued to operate over the years, technology has become more and more capable of producing engrossing digital environments in which most of the world's population enthusiastically participates.
The third factor assuring a prosperous future for Internet entrepreneurs is convergence. Simply defined, convergence is the coming together of separate things. Convergence has occurred at both the industry level and the consumer level. On the industry level; computing, communications, and media companies have merged. On the consumer level, smart phones and smart TVs are commonplace. Consumers have combined their phones, personal computers, and televisions into one integrated media system. Even our money has become digital, as we have automatic bank deposits of our earnings while we buy things with our smart phones or the quick swipe of a debit or credit card. The Internet has so involved itself in our personal lives, there is no turning back. We have converged into a digital world.
These three factors--Moore's Law, acceptance of digital environments, and convergence--assure us that the potential of the Internet for the home-based entrepreneur continues to be nothing less than incredible. In the digital world, the large corporations have to compete, not just with each other but also with the home-based entrepreneurs. The large conglomerates no longer have the exclusive advantage. Given the low cost of computing power, individual entrepreneurs now have at their disposal the raw materials to develop digital products and processes and make them available to the world. Even more importantly, individual entrepreneurs can ban together in digital environments (such as SFI) to combine their skills and knowledge and use convergence to their advantage in a very efficient way, rivaling the large companies with the results.
To obtain convergence, you must bring together computing power, media content, and information processing. To obtain the economies of scale, you should position yourself within a digital community where resources can be shared. Despite the low cost of computing, there is still power in numbers with regard to media content and information processing. To position yourself as a marketer for one of the longest lasting and most successful digital communities in existence is without doubt the smartest move you could possibly make right now. Having done that, you can use your individual creativity, skills, and resources in an environment of freedom employing the low cost computing power at your disposal to obtain your financial goals. Due to the three factors discussed in this chapter, there is an unprecedented opportunity available to you right now as an SFI affiliate. You have but to take advantage of it.
In the next chapter we will discuss spam and other activities to be avoided.
by George Little 
Copyright 2014, Panhandle On-Line, Inc. 
License granted to Carson Services, Inc. for distribution to SFI affiliates. No part of this work may be republished, redistributed, or sold without written permission of the author.
For more information on the Internet Income Course and other works and courses by George Little, see http://www.profitpropulsion.com

What Others Are Saying

"Being burned badly in the past I researched SFI very carefully. What I found was the most well-put-together affiliate program I have ever seen. No program is perfect, but this one's darn close."
"The SFI program works! I cannot recommend any other affiliate program more strongly."
"I don't think anyone could go wrong with the superior training and support that SFI freely offers to their affiliates. And the products are great too."
"SFI works. I didn't think I could do anything like this, but I took the chance and have proven myself wrong."
"WOW, this program is the one that delivers everything they say and more!"
"I spent almost a year looking for the right opportunity. Then, I found out about SFI. My search was over. SFI had everything I was looking for--quality products, training, a support system, and a genuine opportunity."
This business has been a joy! I get paid for playing on the Internet and helping others to do the same!"
"I am constantly amazed at the power of SFI. This is truly exciting, and the best part is that it's FREE to sign up."

Why You'll Love SFI

Now in 17th successful year (parent company's 30th year)
 Start earning money within minutes just by doing simple free actions
 No experience necessary; we train you free
 No purchase requirements ever and it's ALWAYS FREE
 Built-in profit sharing (share in the profits from ALL sales at TripleClicks.com each month)
 A proven company that gets results everyday
 Thousands of SFI affiliates around the world earn commissions every day
 Debt-free company
 Fun, fast, modern program built for the Internet
 Continuous income cycling (earn 24 hours a day/365 days a year)
 90,000+ commissionable products + new products added daily
 Earn money everywhere (in over 190 countries worldwide)
 World-class 24/7 support & assistance
 Start fast with our cutting edge, "plug-in-and-go" marketing tools and programs
 Work from the comfort of your home on your computer, tablet, or smartphone or go mobile and take your business with you as you travel
 Free customized-for-you websites
 Personal, one-on-one support available around the clock
 We take care of all orders, payments, shipping, and customer service for you
 Learn and earn at your own pace
 Excellent long-term residual income potential
 One of the fastest-growing companies of its kind in the world today
 A strong family culture, we all work together for mutual success


TripleClicks Direct

TC Direct products are shipped or delivered by TripleClicks, Lincoln, NE USA. Note: Some physical products may be available directly from licensed TripleClicks LocalPay ECAs. 

What others are saying about SFI

This is the only online business I know that keeps its promise. 
I'm more willing than ever to build a successful business. 
Thank you SFI. You Rock!!! 
D. Petersen