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Friday 18 September 2015

The NFL season

The NFL season kicks off in a few days. Would you like to participate in my new "Confidence Pool" league I've just started?

We're using the brand new "Uber-Picks" sports site at TripleClicks.com. Everything works just like the regular "Confidence Pool" game, but with Uber-Picks, we also have little optional "sidekicks" that you can use to boost your score over and above just the standard Confidence Points. They also have a cool "Ask The Audience" feature and more. You can also win badges, shares of the weekly "Zackpot" and more.

You can check out how Uber-Picks works exactly here:

If you want to be part of my new league, here are the three steps:
1.      Go to: gotclicks1.com/12524558  NOTE: If you're not already a TripleClicks member--before you can join the league, the site will first ask you to register for free. Just enter your e-mail address and create a personal password for your account.
2.      Get your picks in before the start of the first game on Sunday, September 13th.
3.      Let the fun begin!
If you have any questions about any of this, just shoot me back an e-mail. I'm looking forward to an exciting new season! Go football!


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