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Monday, 21 March 2016

Stef’s Sparkle March tips

This time instead of the usual tips I would 
like to share some wisdom with you.
The question is: Why is it so hard for most 
of the people to get rich?

The biggest problem is the mind-set. We 
are all from children trained to be consumers. 
All we think about is getting things, buying 
things ,collecting things. The easier the way 
to get the things we need/want the better. 
The more complete the ‘’package’’ of things 
we buy the better.If everything can be just 
prepared for us to consume the better. 
The less we do to get to the things we 
need/want the better. Laziness makes money.
That can’t be useful if you want to make money. 
You have to change your way of thinking and 
start making and selling those ‘’packages’’ 
if you want to make money.

And that is another problem. Nobody likes to 
bother, spend time and energy on thing like that. 
Most of us just want to get rich easy and quickly
 –which is very hard if not impossible.
It is hard to change your mind-set . 
It means that you have to give up on old thoughts, 
assumptions, attitudes and prejudice that took you 
a lifetime to make .You define yourself by them 
and you think that changing them is bad. 
But it is not! Because we as individuals are 
supposed to learn, grow, evolve. Otherwise we 
will be stuck in same place and experience the 
same things over and over again learning absolutely 
nothing. Imagine having the same personality you 
had when you were 10! That same goes for every 
decade in your life.
But as they say the older the person the
harder to change them. This is mainly because
of the comfort zone that we are all used to it and
that we love it. BUT that is not good for your
business or financial situation! And back to the
consumer’s mind-set. We like things quick, easy and
with at least effort possible. The shortest shortcut
there can be. What is bad about those shortcuts is: 
they are short!We all want bigger house, 
better cars, bigger salary and more but
rarely who is ever prepared to do something about it. 
Most of people’s dreams are short as the shortcuts
they imagine and go like this:‘’I would love it if
I can earn $2.000 this month. That would be great!
But then I will have to work to get them and invest 
time which I’d rather spend playing games or going
out with friends (insert your daily activities here).
When I think about it I don’t want 
to ‘’sacrifice ‘’that (the comfort zone) .
It would be great if I can just win them.
Or if someone just gives them to me. Oh well maybe 
I can try next month. 
(Procrastination!) ‘’And it all ends here. 
More wishing and expecting but zero action.

It is also important to be dedicated and
persistent when working on your
goals/wishes/desires. If things 
seem hard then go explore for options.
Go learn as much as you can about what
you want to achieve.Don’t just say :’’
I am not good for this! And I 
never will be’’. And even if that is true you 
can always learn and improve yourself! I know of 
many successful Team Leaders in SFI who were shy, 
knew nothing about advertising, computers and 
hardly spoke English. Some of them are 50-60 
years old! But nothing stopped them!
They changed (stopped being shy) ,learned
English and how to 
advertise and never sat and complained about their 
situation and limitation! Instead they worked with 
their Teams ,read tons of books and articles, did 
their advertising ,referred ECAs ,opened their shops 
and now are making good money!So YES everything can 
be done if you are willing to! Go out there and learn 
and improve, advertise and make money!
Stef’s Sparkle will never give up on teaching 
affiliates how to get to the top of SFI Mountain!
Visit us and get some of our Sparks ?

Don't forget about out special offer on the
collection e-books :Buy 2 get 2 for free
which expires in 2 days!
We also accept TCredits and MRP as payment

1.Have the right mind-set
2.Be ready to change
3.Wish but also act on it
4.Don’t procrastinate!
5.Take control of your life. Don’t just watch 
it pass by
6.Get outside the consumers box
7.Be persistent! If something doesn’t work 
change the 
way you do it!
8.Don’t weep over your limitations
9.Be courageous and try new things. Comfort 
zone never 
gave anyone anything extraordinary
10.Things take months/years. Never forget 
that! Don’t 
be discouraged by time.

Print out some inspiring stuff and hang them 
around your home. Put them your walls, windows ,
mirrors ,fridge..whenever you can see them 
everyday .They will keep you in touch with reality. 
Don’t live in illusions and ignorance!


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